
Monday 26 November 2012

Georgia - Tbilisi, Kartli & Adjara Regions

Crossing the border back into Georgia was the quickest yet and we arrived in Tbilisi in time for lunch, a quick browse around the shops before settling into a local's cafe drinking carafes of the house wine.

The next day most of the group went off on a walking tour of the capital. Feeling a bit touristic weary and slightly under the weather, I opted for some me time and a bit of girly pampering. Found a small local hairdresser and had my hair done, neither of us speaking English ended up with a shorter cut than expected!
Took a taxi into the old town later that night where there are lots of cafés and bars in the cobbled pedestrianised streets, had a beer or two followed by a curry!

All too soon it was time to leave the city (think I may just have to come back here) as we made our way towards Gori, the town where Stalin was born. Here is the 'Stalin museum' which details his childhood, poetry, revolutionary activities and involvement with Lenin whilst glossing over the terrors he inflicted even over his own people. Stalin's death mask, train carriage and house he lived in when born are also on display.

Uplistsikhe is one of the oldest places of settlement in the Caucasus founded around 1,000 BC and is impressive, a cave city once inhabited by the Kings of Kartli includes theatres, temples and a 10th century Church. Climbing up over the caves, the way back down was through an emergency escape tunnel running towards the river which may have been used to transport water. The derelict village at the bottom of this city was inhabited until 1969!

Travelling the scenic route between Gori and Kutaisi, we're on a bumpy road, rolling hills, green forests, snow capped Caucasus mountains in the distance and pigs rubbing themselves against trees to add to the usual herds of cows and flocks of sheep,shepherds and their dogs.

We stopped to look up at Katskhi Pillar, where 2 churches are built on top of a 40 metre high cliff and can only be reached by way of a metal ladder. Lunched on top of a cliff, a little chilly in the wind and the usual rubbish lying around! Plastic, a lot to answer for but cast your eyes a little further and the views are great!

Kutaisi is Georgia's second largest city and after a quick look in the town went to our home stay up the hill, a lovely place with good views. A good meal was had by all followed by an evening of entertainment with some bad karaoke style singing, poetry and just a lot of fun!

Next morning I went to Bagrati Cathedral, today is National Day and obviously someone important is due to arrive here, there's an abundance of military and police surrounding the place, I was stopped and my camera checked before being allowed to enter.

A visit to Prometheus Cave, many amazing forms of stalagmites and stalactites looking like a film set in parts, a path 1200m long and then a boat trip on the underground lake.

Night on the beach camping near Kobuleti overlooking the black sea, watching the sun set.

Next stop Batumi, a seaside resort town, we are out of season now, a sole swimmer in the sea, the beachside huts are closed, it's a hot sunny day and I would just love an ice-cream! Walking along the boulevard, young boys riding their bikes, a mother pushing a pram, I can imagine how busy this place would be in the height of season. The Carousel is closed and the alphabet tower dwarfs the lighthouse. A park beside the promenade, a small pier, no fishing but some tacky music is playing in the background, the playground area occupied not by children but a couple of adults having their daily exercise? Interesting architecture surrounds including a business park with it's own mini carousel and some are just hotels! Plenty of high rise buildings with lots more construction going on here as this resort becomes more popular.

Our last night was certainly a Georgian Feast, the wine flowed and the food kept coming, we dressed up for the occasion, danced and said our farewells to ZaZa our guide for the last 2 weeks.

I've had a great time in Georgia and hope to come again when the weather is a little warmer to visit the Caucasus mountains.

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